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Adobe Premiere Pro 25 & After Effects 25: New Color Management, Streamlined Workflows, and 3D Enhancements

IBC 2024 has wrapped up, and Adobe introduced significant updates in Premiere Pro and After Effects 25, currently in beta. These updates are centered on improving color management, enhancing performance, and streamlining workflows, all based on feedback from the video editing community.

New Color Management System in Premiere Pro 25

One of the standout features in the new release is the updated color management system. For the first time, Premiere Pro includes wide gamut image processing, offering more dynamic range and latitude. This system automatically transforms RAW and log formats from nearly every camera into consistent footage without the need for LUTs.

The color management system simplifies the process for editors working with complex formats by normalizing media upon import. Editors can choose from six presets in the Sequence Settings, with Rec709 as the default, or opt for wide gamut color space settings using the ACEScct pipeline for more precise control.

This update also ensures consistent color and brightness when using Dynamic Link between Premiere Pro and After Effects, making the workflow between the two applications more efficient.

Premiere pro timeline video edit
Source: Adobe

Wide Gamut and ACEScct Integration

In addition to the new presets, Adobe has introduced a wide gamut working color space that supports more dynamic range than the traditional Rec.709. This new space leverages the Hollywood-standard ACEScct pipeline for high-fidelity tone mapping, allowing editors to preserve the color data from modern cameras without clipping or losing quality.

The goal is to give editors an intuitive system that delivers professional-grade results from the start, whether they’re working in SDR or HDR. Most-used effects, like Lumetri, are now color-space aware, providing more flexibility in refining looks and ensuring accuracy when grading across different formats.

adobe premiere color management
Source: Adobe

Redesigned Properties Panel

Premiere Pro 25 introduces a new context-sensitive Properties panel, designed to improve editing speed by presenting relevant tools based on the media selected—whether it’s video, audio, graphics, or captions. The panel reduces the need to navigate through multiple menus, offering quick access to common adjustments like cropping and speed changes.

Users can now manipulate video directly in the Program monitor and apply changes to multiple clips simultaneously, cutting down on repetitive tasks. These updates enhance both beginner and advanced workflows by streamlining tool access and reducing mouse mileage.

adobe premiere pro properties panel
Source: Adobe

Enhanced Performance and Faster Exports

Performance improvements are another key focus. The new version of Premiere Pro includes additional hardware acceleration, enabling faster playback for codecs like AVC and HEVC. ProRes exports are now up to three times faster, which will be a welcome change for editors under tight deadlines.

Adobe has also expanded format support for a range of cameras from Canon, Sony, and RED, allowing users to import native files and begin editing immediately.

premiere pro after effects faster exports
Source: Adobe

After Effects timeline 3d
Source: Adobe

New 3D Workflows in After Effects 25

After Effects has received major upgrades, especially in its 3D workspace. The new version now supports embedded 3D animations from GLB and GLTF models, preserving keyframe animations and bone-based deformations during import. This makes it easier for motion designers to work seamlessly between external animation software and After Effects.

Additional features include shadow catchers for more realistic shadow rendering and improved depth mapping for advanced 3D scenes, allowing for post-processing effects like depth-of-field blur. These enhancements make it easier to blend 3D models with real-world footage and 2D elements.


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